
In Press
Chen Schechter, Qadach, Mowafaq , and Da'as, Rima'a . In Press. Crisis Management. The Challenges Of School Principals Within Covid-19&Nbsp;&Nbsp;. Studies In The Administration And Organization Of Education.[In Hebrew].
Rima’a Da'as, Qadach, Mowafaq , and Schechter, Chen . 2023. Crisis Leadership: Principals' Metaphors During Covid-19.. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, Pp. 1-23.
Rima’a Da’as, Schechter, Chen , and Qadach, Mowafaq . 2022. Cognitively Complex Leaders: How Principals Influence Organizational Learning Through Climate For Innovation. Journal Of Research On Leadership Education, Pp. 19427751221080186.
Chen Schechter, Da’as, Rima’a , and Qadach, Mowafaq . 2022. Crisis Leadership: Leading Schools In A Global Pandemic. Management In Education, Pp. 08920206221084050.
Rima’a Da’as. 2022. Principals’ Attentional Scope And Teacher Creativity: The Role Of Principals’ Ambidexterity And Knowledge Sharing. International Journal Of Leadership In Education, Pp. 1–23.
Alexander Zibenberg and Da'as, Rima'a . 2022. The Role Of Implicit Theories In Predicting Creativity Fostering Teacher Behavior: Gender As Moderator. Thinking Skills And Creativity, 44, Pp. 101024.
Rima'a Da'as, Qadach, Mowafaq , and Schechter, Chen . 9/2021. School Management Within The Covid- 19 Context: School Principals' Perceptions, Challenges And Opportunities A Comparison Study Between Arab And Jewish Societies [In Hebrew]. Chief Scientist – Israel's Ministry of Education. .
Rima'a Da'as, Schechter, Chen , and Qadach, Mowafaq . 7/2021. Cognitively Complex Leaders: How Principals Influence Organizational Learning Through Climate For Innovation [In Hebrew]. Mofet Institute.
Rima’a Da’as and Zibenberg, Alexander . 2021. Conflict, Control And Culture: Implications For Implicit Followership And Leadership Theories. Educational Review, 73, 2, Pp. 194–208.
Ori Eyal, Da’as, Rima’a , and Berkovich, Izhak . 2021. Ethical Considerations Of Bedouin Arab School Leaders: Negotiating Eurocentric And Indigenous Decision-Making Values. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49, 5, Pp. 786–806.
Rima’a Da’as. 2021. The Missing Link: Principals’ Ambidexterity And Teacher Creativity. Leadership And Policy In Schools, Pp. 1–22.
Rima'a Da'as, Qadach, Mowafaq , Erdogan, Ufuk , Nitza, Schwabsky , Schechter, Chen , and Tschannen-Moran, Megan . 2021. Collective Teacher Efficacy Beliefs: Testing Measurement Invariance Using Alignment Optimization Among Four Cultures.. Journal Of Educational Administration.
Rima'a Da'as, Ganon-Shilon, Sherry , Schechter, Chen , and Qadach, Mowafaq . 2021. Implicit Leadership Theory: Principals' Sense-Making And Cognitive Complexity. International Journal Of Educational Management.
Chen Schechter, Qadach, Mowafaq , and Da'as, Rima'a . 2021. Organizational Learning Mechanisms For Learning Schools. The Learning Organization.