
Rima’a Da’as. 2017. School Principals’ Leadership Skills: Measurement Equivalence Across Cultures. Compare: A Journal Of Comparative And International Education, 47, 2, Pp. 207–222.
Nohad A’li and Da'as, Rima'a . 2017. Exploring The Relationship Between Gender And Acceptance Of Authority At An Arab School In Israel. Journal Of International Women's Studies, 18, 2, Pp. 89–104.
Rasim Khamaisi, Da'as, Rima'a , Mayan, Yael , and Rosental, Ayelet . 2017. Living Together In A Diverse Campus. [In Hebrew]. The Jewish-Arab Centre, University of Haifa. (Research Report).
Yair Berson, Da'as, Rima'a , and Waldman, David A. 2015. How Do Leaders And Their Teams Bring About Organizational Learning And Outcomes?. Personnel Psychology, 68, 1, Pp. 79–108.