Personal Details
Country of birth: Israel
Permanent Address: St. 7003, Nazareth, 16000
Telephones: Home: 972-4-6591258; Cell: 972-54-229-5660
Higher Education
BSc in Mathematics and Learning Unit of Statistics at Hebrew University
Teaching Certificate in Mathematics at David Yellin College of Education
BA in Sociology, Anthropology, and Educational Consulting at University of Haifa
MA in Management Educational Systems, with Honors at University of Haifa Titled: The Relationship Between Shared Vision, Organizational Learning and School Performance. Supervised by: Prof. Yair Berson
Doctor of Philosophy at University of Haifa, Department of Education -Leadership and Policy of Education. Supervised by: Prof. Yair Berso
Post Doctorial at Bar-Ilan University, School of Education - Management Education System. Supervised by: Prof. Chen Schechter -
Lecturer, Department of Education, Al-Qasemi College
Lecturer with tenure, Department of Education, Al-Qasemi College
Senior Lecturer, Department of education, Al-Qasemi College
Lecturer, Division of Policy, Administration, and Leadership in Education, School of Education, The Hebrew university of Jerusalem
Service in Academic and Research Institutions
Research Assistant and Project Management, University of Haifa
Teaching and Statistical Consultant, Arab College of Education, Israel
Statistical Consultant, The Jewish-Arab Centre, University of Haifa, Israel
Teaching at Ono Academic College
Editor of "Aljama'a" Journal, Al-Qasemi Publishing
Head of Teaching and Learning Program in M.Ed., Al-Qasemi College of Education
Other Activity
Mathematics and Physics Teacher, Nazareth, Israel
Mathematics Professional Instructor
Executive Member of the Galilee Society, The Arab National Society for Health Research and Services, Israel
Researcher and Team Member in Writing a Report of 'Living Together' Research - Jewish-Arab Centre - University of Haifa
Team Member on Designing the Final Paper of "Roadmap of a Shared Society" Project, Givat- Haviva
Journal Manuscript Reviewer
International Journal of Leadership in Education
International Journal of educational management
Journal of Educational Administration
International Journal of Cross- Cultural Management
Management in Education
Journal of School Leadership
"Aljama'a" Journal, Al-Qasemi Publishing
Educational administration quarterly
Gilui Daat
Journal of Educational Change
Equity in Education & Society
Editorial Board Member
Editorial board- "Aljama'a" Journal, Al-Qasemi Publishing
Editorial board of Israeli Studies Journal
Editorial board member of Israeli Studies Association
Conference Presentation Review
Mofet the 7th International Conference on Teacher Education
2022 Reviewing proposals for UCEA22
Association Memberships
AERA- American Educational Research Association
UCEA- University Council for Educational Administration
CIES- Comparative and International society
Israeli Studies Association
Research Awards
Werner Otto Award, University of Haifa, Israel 9500NIS
Dean's Award, University of Haifa, Israel
10000 NIS
Golda Meir Award
Outstanding reviewer of "Journal of Educational Administration" - Emerland Publishing
Research Grants
Mofet Institution. How cognitively complex principals influence organizational learning mechanisms: the role of a climate of innovation. Da'as Rima'a, Chen Schechter and Mowafaq Qadach [36,000 NIS]. Excellent research
Chief Scientist – Israel's Ministry of Education. School management within the Covid- 19 context: school principals' perceptions, challenges and opportunities A comparison study between Arab and Jewish societies. Da'as Rima'a, Mowafaq Qadach and Chen Schechter [39,800 NIS].
Diversity Centre- The Hebrew University. Arab educational leaders role in society: incompatible or complementary? Da'as Rima'a [6,000 NIS].
Lion Foundation. Examining the effect of school principals and school climate on the educators' work and student attitudes. Da'as Rima'a [100,000 NIS].
Chief Scientist – Israel's Ministry of Education. Managing crisis: Developing a questionaire for "manage during crisis". Da'as Rima'a, Mowafaq Qadach and Chen Schechter [200,037 NIS].
Reviewer of Grant Proposals
2022 Lion Foundation: Lion grants for educators' work.
Supervision of Master's Students
Final project
Saad Elkrenawi
The effect of principals' flexible thinking on organizational processes and team innovation
Al-Qasemi College
2019- 2020
Nedal Naamne
The effect of innovative leadership on teachers' creative personality and creative self-efficacy
Al-Qasemi College
2019- 2020
Mosaab Owesat:
The effect of principals' flexible thinking on teachers' creativity: the role of absorptive capacity
Al-Qasemi College
2019- 2020
Fatema Abozaeid
Principals' cognitive complexity and team performance
Al-Qasemi College
2019- 2020
Eman Ganaim
The leadership practices of female Palestinian principals as a model for empowering female middle leaders
Al-Qasemi College
2019- 2020
Samira Elkrenawi
The role of educational leaders' in reducing violence among students
Al-Qasemi College
The Hebrew University
2020- 2021
Violet Daud-Munayyer
The relationship between middle leaders' cognitive complexity and teachers' engagement: the role of diversity management practices and conflict in teams
The Hebrew University
Sulafa Saleh
The effect of empowerment style on student cohesion and a sense of safety
The Hebrew University
Nili Caine
The changes of middle leader's role during Covid-19
The Hebrew University
Aalam Atamneh
The effect of transformational leadership style on students' risk behavior: the role of school climate and educators work.
The Hebrew University
- Participation in Scientific Conferences, Lectures, and Other Activity
Da'as, R. (2022, May). Arab educational leaders' role as socialization agents toward promoting students' integration into society: incompatible or complementary? Presented as part of series lectures at the center for the study of multiculturalism & diversity.
Da'as, R. (2022, April). Principals’ Attentional Scope and Teacher Creativity. Presented at the AERA Annual Meeting.
Da'as, R., Qadach, M., & Schechter, C. (2022, April). Cognitively Complex Leaders: How Principals Influence Organizational Learning through Climate for Innovation. Presented at the AERA Annual Meeting.
Da'as, R. & Watted, A. (2022, April). "Flexible thinking and intrinsic motivation effects on learning outcomes: comparing MOOC and F2Fcompleters. Presented at the AERA Annual Meeting (Poster).
Da'as, R. (2021, April 9 – 12). Between principals’ and a teacher’s perspective taking: the role of transformational and transactional leadership styles. Presented at the 2021 virtual AERA Annual Meeting. (Virtual)
Da'as, R. (2021, April 9 – 12). Principals' ambidexterity and creativity-fostering teacher behavior. Presented at the 2021 virtual AERA Annual Meeting. (Virtual)
Da'as, R. (2021, April 9 – 12). Teacher's perspective taking and work group characteristics as antecedents of readiness for change. Presented at the 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.
Qadach, M., Da'as, R., & BenDavid-Hadar, I. (2021, April25- May2 ). The relationships amongst spending priorities, self-efficacy and satisfaction of teachers- TALIS 2018: A comparative study on Israel, Spain, England, and Netherlands. Presented at the 2021 Virtual CIES: comparative& international education society meeting.
Da'as, R. (2020, November). Principals' ambidexterity and creativity-fostering teacher behavior. Presented at the Virtual UCEA Planning Committee conference.
Da'as, R. & Ali, N. (2020). Examining Strategic Thinking Skills through non-Western Indigenous and Western-oriented Principals’ Perspectives. ECER 2020, Glasgow - European Conference on Educational Research. (Accepted; cancelled)
Da'as, R., Schechter, C. & Qadach, M. (2020, Apr 17 - 21). Principal's Cognitive Complexity to Teacher's Intent to Leave: Mediating Role of Absorptive Capacity and Commitment [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/tz94pwy
Da'as, R., Schechter, C. & Qadach, M. (2020, Apr 17 - 21). School Leaders' Cognitive Complexity: Impact on the Big 5 Model and Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/u5238dp
Da'as, R. & Watted, A. (2020, Apr 17 - 21). Teachers' Withdrawal Behavior: Examining the Impact of Leaders' Innovative Behavior and Climate of Organizational Learning [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/sgasjvz
Eyal, O., Da'as, R. & Berkovich, I. (2020, Apr 17 - 21). Ethical Considerations of Bedouin Arab School Leaders: Negotiating Western and Indigenous Decision-Making Values [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/rg9ywyw
Zibenberg, A., & Da'as, R. (2019, May). The effect of personal values in employees’ perceptions of the effective leader. Paper presented at the EAWOP Congress in Turin, Italy.
Da'as, R., Schechter, C., & Qadach, M. (2019, June). The impact of educational leaders' cognitive complexity on Big-5 traits and organizational citizenship behavior. Poster presentation at the 7th International Conference on Teacher Education: The Story of Innovation in Teacher Education. MOFET Institute.
Qadach, M., Schechter, C., & Da'as, R. (2019, April). Instructional leadership and teachers' intent to leave: A comparative study between Arab and Jewish schools. Paper presented at the CIES, the 63rd Annual conference of the comparative and international education society. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Qadach, M., Schechter, C., & Da'as, R. (2019, April). Instructional leadership and teachers' intent to leave: The mediating role of collective teacher efficacy and a shared vision. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Da'as R., & Qadach, M. (2018, April). The role of school principals' leadership skills in promoting teachers' participation in decision-making and skill flexibility in the context of educational reform. Paper presented at the AREA Annual meeting, New York, NY, USA.
Da'as, R., & Abu Moch, L. (2017, December). "What is a good teacher?" Perceptions of primary-, middle- and secondary-school Arab students. Paper presented in the international capacity building conference on: excellence, innovation, creativity and giftedness. Antalya, Turkey.
Schechter, C., Qadach, M., & Da'as, R. (2017, April). Principals' characteristics and organizational learning mechanisms: Predicting faculty properties and student achievement in elementary schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Eyal, O., Da'as, R., & Berkovich, I. (2016). Ethical considerations of Arab-Bedouin educational leaders: Negotiating Western and indigenous decision-making values. Paper presented at the Asia Leadership conference, Singapore.
Da'as, R., & Qadach, M. (2016, May). Exploring the relationship between principals' vision content and schools' absorptive capacity. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference on Education: Athens, Greece.
Da'as, R. (2016, June). Principals' vision content and schools' ACAP. Paper presented in the College Research Conference. Arab college of education, Haifa, Israel.
Da'as, R. (2015, May). The impact of school principals' leadership skills on organizational processes and outcomes in the context of an educational reform. Paper presented in the Educational Administration conference, Orot College, Israel.
Da'as, R., & Berson, Y. (2011, April). The role of leadership skills in promoting readiness for change and behaviors of absenteeism. Paper presented in the American Educational Research Association Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Berson, Y., Da'as, R., & Waldman, D. A (2008, December). Longitudinal study of the effects of principal visionary leadership on organizational learning and parent's satisfaction. Paper presented at the Israel Strategy Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Berson Y., Da'as, R. & Waldman, D. (2008, August). Hierarchical and shared leadership in relation to organizational learning and customer satisfaction. Paper presented in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Da'as, R., & Berson, Y. (2007, May). The relationship between shared vision, organizational learning and school outcomes. Paper presented in the Educational Administration conference, University of Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Invited Presentations
1. Da'as R. (2019, February). "Unofficial education". Pearach, Israel.
2. Da'as, R. (2018, May). Rubrek as a pedagogical tool. Al-Qasemi College, Israel.
3. Da'as, R., Qadach, M., & Schechter, C. (2021, April). School management within the Covid- 19 context: school principals' perceptions, challenges and opportunities A comparison study between Arab and Jewish societies. Mofet Researchers Conference as a research and support platform. (Opening lecture)
4. Da'as, R., Qadach, M., & Schechter, C. (2021, October). School management within the Covid- 19 context. Postdoctoral Conference- Mofet Institute. (Opening lecture)